Parkour Jargon
Arm Jump
A movement going from one cat hang to another, typically, but not limited to, performed upward.
Back Roll
A backward flip on the floor. No airtime, just floor. In parkour, performed a bit sideways.
Vault going over an obstacle in a similar fashion to a cartwheel. Starting sideways, completing one full rotation using both hands on the obstacle, then landing on the other side.
Cat 180
Movement starting on one vertical surface in a cat hang, then jumping and pivoting from one wall to another in the opposite direction.
Cat Back
Movement starting on one vertical surface in a cat hang, then jumping and pivoting from one wall to another in the opposite direction.
Cat Hang
Hanging on a vertical surface with hands on a higher level and feet below pressed up against the surface. Typically performed with hands on the top of a surface.
Cat Pass
Staple vault. Feet go between hands. Hands lift off obstacle with feet still behind. Also knows as a kong vault.
Climb Down
Getting down from an object. Typically starting standing and ending resting with hands on the top of an obstacle with hips resting up against the obstacle, or in a cat hang.
Climb Up
Getting on top of an obstacle, typically starting in front support, then stepping one foot up at a time to get on top. Parkour has a thing about putting knees on surfaces. To avoid getting weird looks, use your hands, feet, and no knees.
Vault going over an obstacle, jumping feet first, hitting both hands on the obstacle at the same time to push your feet to your landing surface.
A “descent” generally refers to a particular movement where one drops from a higher ledge to a lower ledge first with their feet, then hanging on with their hands. This can also refer to parkour movements characterized by scaling down tall objects in general.
A movement going from one cat hang to another, typically, but not limited to, performed upward.
Can be used interchangeably with "parkour", but generally means training flips and creative movements.
Gather Step
A take off technique using separated, but closely timed steps. Performing this includes utilizing built up momentum to launch into another movement.
Ghost Step
A jump taking off and landing on the same foot. Typically performed in conjunction with strides.
A bar swing performed with both hands and feet on the bar. Typically performed with hands between feet.
Staple vault. Feet go between hands. Hands lift off obstacle with feet still behind. Also knows as a cat pass.
Vault using both hands while both feet travel to the side and over an obstacle, exiting feet first.
Short for plyometric jump, this is a jump performed quickly out of another movement. Properly performing this movement includes utilizing the momentum from the previous movement, and taking off with both feet together.
Short for precision, this is a landing technique with both feet together, landing on the balls of one's feet.
A landing technique with both feet together, landing on the balls of one's feet.
Running 180
A movement performed by running then stepping up a wall to an immediate jump in the opposite direction. This movement typically ends in a precision or cat hang.
Vault using both hands while both feet travel to the side and over an obstacle, exiting feet first. Sometimes differentiate from a lazy vault with the addition of landing on the inside foot.
Toe Shoot
A bar swing performed with both hands and feet on the bar. Typically performed with feet between hands. This movement and the movement Glide, are sometimes referred to as the same movement.
This term refers to quick movements going over objects using at least one hand for assistance. Different from climbing, vaulting is generally used on objects below head height.
Community submission
/kUHmyOOnItEE - suhb-MISH-uhn/
Here you would find any submissions to be added to the parkour jargon library
"drop" said before a movement means the movement is going to be performed off an unusually large height drop.
So...sometimes standing means from a complete stand still. Other times it means without a setup move like a scoot or round off. Which one someone means, you can sometimes only figure out by watching.
"tak" is a tricking term than when used in conjunction with other terms, means a take off for a flip initially landing in the "complete" stance, then quickly switching feet before take off. Kind of like landing for doing a "pop" take off, but last second switching to a "wrap" take off.
"twist" when said in conjuction with other terms means the movement being described finishes with some level of extra twists with no extra flips. For instance a "maccaco twist" is a maccaco with a full twist executed after the athlete's hand leaves the ground, but before landing. "down" is sometimes used interchangeably with "twist".
"Un" when used in conjunction with other terminology means a flip with a single rotation has two seperate twisting motions during the rotation with the twists being executed in opposing directions.
180 Down monkey
/one-eighty down MUN-kee/
A movement diving with a 180 twist towards a wall to then performing a kong motion to pull the feet to the floor. Kind of like a round off on a wall.
360 Backhandspring
/three-sixty bak HAND-spring/
A back hand spring with a full twist (360) in the air before touching hands down.
360 Diveroll
/three-sixty DIVE roh-l/
A diveroll with a 360 degree (full) twist performed in the air.
360 backhandspring
/three-sixty bak HAND-spring/
An acrobatic trick where the performer performs a 360-degree spin followed by a back handspring, usually starting from a standing or running position.
360 diveroll
/three-sixty DIVE roh-l/
A diveroll with a 360 degree (full) twist performed in the air.
540 Kick
/five-forty kik/
A tornado kick landing on the kicking leg. This can be thought of like a "tornado kick swipe"
540 Palm Spin
/five-forty pahm spin/
A vault where an athlete completes a 540 spin over an obstacle. Executing this is essentially combining a "reverse palm spin" and a normal palm spin to start on one side and finish on the other, hence the name.
A-Twist Gumbi
/a-twist gum-bee/
To put simply, this is a cartwheel taking off from one stance, and performing the rest of the motion on the opposite side. Meaning if the athlete is taking off right foot forward, their left hand would touch down to the ground first instead of their right hand.
A cartwheel with no hands. AKA a lateral flip starting and landing in a lunge keeping legs separated while in air.
Aerial Twist
/AIR-ee-uhl twist/
An aerial with a twist in the air before landing. Although the definition just given is technically accurate, it can be misleading. An aerial twist can also be thought of as a webster with a half twist going towards your front foot.
Angel Drop
/ayn-jel drop/
An inward front flip starting from a cat hang position on a wall.
A backwards take off half twist into a front flip.
/bee twist/
A butterfly kick with a full twist in the air before landing. Also referred to as a b-twist.
/bee twist/
A butterfly kick with a full twist in the air before landing. Also referred to as a b-twist
Back Flip
/bak flip/
A flip backward. know what this is.
Back Pre
/bak pree/
A backflip to a precision landing...more or less. Usually just means a backflip to landing on a specific object. Usually a small object.
Back flip
/bak flip/
An acrobatic move where a person performs a backward somersault in the air, rotating around the axis running through their hips and shoulders.
Bar Kip
/bar kip/
A movement to get to a front support position on a bar through a fancy technical swing to get you on top. It’s complicated.
Bar kip
/bar kip/
A movement to get to a front support position on a bar through a fancy technical swing to get you on top. It’s complicated.
A front flip with a half twist, maintaining a layout position for the majority of the movement. Much like a round off in the air.
Boomerang Kick
/boo-mer-ang kik/
A tricking movement performed from a swing take off (like a cork) performing about a 90 degree twist, then exiting with a hook kick. This flip can be thought of as swinging into an aerial, as your feet should stay seperated throughout the movement. This movement is also known as a "kick the moon" "moon kick" or sometimes "cheat gainer".
Box Cutter
/boks kut-er/
A cork with an added 90 degrees of rotation and a hook kick.
Buddha Drop
/boo-duh drop/
An inward side flip starting from a cat hang position on a wall.
Butterfly Kick
/BUT-er-fly kik/
A movement taken from martial arts consisting of a complete horizontal rotation in the air with your legs extended. Kind of like an aerial without going over your head.
Butterfly Twist
/BUT-er-fly twist/
A butterfly kick with a full twist in the air before landing. Also referred to as a b-twist.
Butterfly kick
/BUT-er-fly kik/
A movement taken from martial arts consisting of a complete horizontal rotation in the air with your legs extended. Kind of like a aerial without going over your head.
Butterfly twist
/BUT-er-fly twist/
A butterfly kick with a full twist in the air before landing. Also referred to as a b-twist
Cart Twist
/kart twist/
A cartwheel with a twist added after the athlete's hands leave the ground and before landing.
A sideways flip involving your hands and feet on the floor in the rotation pattern of hand - hand - foot - foot. This movement starts with a split step take off and lands one foot at a time.
Cast Gainer
/kast GAY-nur/
A move where the performer swings off an obstacle (like a bar or ledge) and then immediately performs a gainer (a backward flip moving forward) over the obstacle.
Cast gainer
/kast GAY-nur/
A move where the performer swings off an obstacle (like a bar or ledge) and then immediately performs a gainer (a backward flip moving forward) in mid-air.
a backflip from front support, rotating behind the utilized obstacle.
A tricking body position in relation to legs. Chambering is bending a leg up to roughly knee height, typically to prepare for a kick.
Cheat Gainer
/cheet gay-nur/
A backflip performed from the athlete swinging their outside leg into the flip.
Chimney Slide
/chim-nee slyd/
Sliding down using hands and feet between two walls, typically performed sliding down multiple stories between buildings.
A cody is a backflip from your stomach, accomplished using the same kicking technique as a cast away. This is a trampoline skill. It's worth mentioning because if learning a cast away or swing cast, you'll likely be asked if you know how to cody.
A breakdancing move starting on your feet, going onto your back and completing a twist (sometimes full 360, sometimes less), then landing back on your feet. In tricking this is also referred to as a star kip
when a performer executes a trick or flip and finishes in a controlled, stable stance with both feet firmly on the ground and the body upright.
a flip involving a backwards rotating full twist off one leg.
Cork In
/kork in/
A double flip starting with a cork.
Cork Zero
/kork ZEE-roh/
An off axis movement, incorporated from skiing, that involves a body rotation with no chest rotation. It’s complicated.
Cork zero
/kork ZEE-roh/
an off axis movement, incorporated from skiing, that involves a body rotation with no chest rotation. It’s complicated.
Cowboy Tuck
/kow-boy tuk/
Like a tuck, but you pull your legs wide towards your shoulders. Typically done in order to get a faster rotation. It also keeps you from knees yourself in the face or chin.
"cutter" when used in conjunction with other terms means adding an extra 90 degrees of twist to the end of a flip along with a hook kick.
Short for double leg, this is a tricking air position bringing both legs together mid twist. This is like a pike, but with twisting.
Dark Arabian
/dahrk uh-RAY-bee-un/
A flip starting forwardfacing with a diving half twist to a back flip. Kind of like a front half twist, but completing the entire twist in the air before flipping.
Dark arabian
/dahrk uh-RAY-bee-un/
a flip starting front forward with a diving half twist to a back flip. Kind of like a front half twist, but completing the entire twist in the air before flipping.
the controlled process of moving downward, often from a height. This is performed from one higher vertical surface to a lower vertical surface, typically ending in a cat hang.
Devil Drop
/dev-il drop/
A backflip starting from a cat hang position on a wall.
Dive Front
/dyv frunt/
A front flip starting with a diving motion.
Double Leg
/dub-ul leg/
A tricking air position bringing both legs together mid twist. This is like a pike, but with twisting.
"down" when said in conjuction with other terms means the movement being described finishes with some level of extra twists with no extra flips. For instance a "side full down" is a sideflip with a full twist executed after completing the side rotation, but before landing.
Down Monkey
/down MUN-kee/
A movement diving backward with a backward rotation to performing a kong motion to pull the feet to the floor. Essentially a wall back hand spring (and also referred to as a wall back hand spring).
Down monkey
/down MUN-kee/
A movement diving backward with a backward rotation to performing a kong motion to pull the feet to the floor. Essentially a wall back hand spring (and also referred to as a wall back hand spring)
This means double. Usually meaning a double flip or twist.
Dub Dub
/dub dub/
A double twisting flip into another double twisting flip.
A flip taking off from the front foot being on a higher object than the back.
Elevator Front
/el-uh-vay-tor frunt/
A front flip taking off from the front foot being on a higher object than the back.
Elevator Side
/el-uh-vay-tor syd/
A sideflip taking off from the front foot being on a higher object than the back.
Ew Gainer
/yoo gay-nur/
A gainer from a step on a wall with both the final step of take off and the athlete's body facing away from the wall. It got the name "ew" gainer from being upsetting to think of doing.
A movement from breakdancing where your legs swing around your body while holding yourself up with your hands. The move is typically performed with legs spread wide while in front to accentuate the motion
Fly Away
/FLY uh-way/
A swinging forward release from a bar with a backflip before landing.
Fly away
/FLY uh-way/
a swinging forward release from a bar with a backflip before landing.
an aerial or butterfly kick with a tuck in the middle
When used in conjunction with other terms, this is short for front flip.
Front Flip
/frunt flip/
An forward rotating flip in the air.
Front Pre
/frunt pree/
A sideflip to a precision landing...usually. Sometimes just used as a way to say a sideflip to a specific object.
Front Support
/fruhnt suh-PORT/
A position with hands on the top of an obstacle with hips resting up against it.
Front Swing
/frunt swing/
This is a tricking term referring to swinging forward with the inside leg from a "mega" landing position, usually overrotated by 90 degrees.
Front Walk Over
/frunt walk-oh-ver/
A flip kinda like a cartwheel and a front hand spring combined. You enter a forward rotation from a lunge, kicking your back leg for momentum and keeping them seperate until landing one foot at a time after completing a rotation over your head.
Front flip
/frunt flip/
an forward rotating flip in the air.
Front support
/fruhnt suh-PORT/
A position with hands on the top of an obstacle with hips resting up against it.
a backflip with a full 360 degree twist.
Full Down
/ful down/
A flip with a twist, where the twist is executed after completing a rotation, but before landing. If this term is said not in conjunctionwith any other terminology, it is assumed this is a backflip full down
Full In
/ful in/
A double flip starting with a flip with no twist, and ending with a flip with a twist. This term used alone refers a "back full in" (backflip + back full)
Full Unfull
/ful un-ful/
A single flip with a full twist in one direction, and another full twist in the other direction.
Full Up
/ful up/
A flip with a twist, where the twist is executed after take off, but before a rotation is completed. If this term is said not in conjunction with any other terminology, it is assumed this is a backflip full up
A backflip performed off a roughly hip height object with a swing of the legs up in front of the athlete to start the rotation while their hands are on the object holding them up.
a backflip while moving forward.
Gainer Full
/gay-nur ful/
A backflip with a twist while also traveling forward.
A gainer from a hanging position on a vertical surface where the athlete's body is facing away from the vertical surface while their hands are on the top of the vertical surface holding them up.
a swinging movement making a complete rotation around a bar.
Ginger Flip
/jin-jer flip/
A backflip performed using a vertical surface to start the rotation with just one hand pushing off the surface.
A swinging on a bar with both hands and feet on on the bar, to then letting go before making a full rotation around the bar. Essentially combining a glide with a fly-away.
a movement performed by swinging on a bar with both hands and feet on on the bar, to then letting go before making a full rotation around the bar. Essentially combining a glide with a fly-away.
This movement is like a raiz but with the athlete's hands on the ground the entire time the athlete would be in the air in a raiz. It can be described as a weird cartwheel performed on the opposite side from usual, but if you are learning this movement, we highly recommend not thinking about it this way.
Half Unhalf
/haf un-haf/
A single flip with a half twist in one direction, and another half twist in the other direction.
a spinning flip with a full-body horizontal twist.
an extended body posture during a trick or flip. In this position, the performer often bends backward or arches their body, creating a hyperextended look, which can enhance the aesthetics of a trick.
A term referring to adding an extra 90 degrees to a twist along with a hook kick.
"in" when said in cunjunction with other terms means the movement being described is a double flip exitting with a flip with no twist
Inward 360 Roll
/in-werd three-sixty rol/
a roll starting with a backward swing of the athlete's inside leg to then rotating over that leg and falling into a lateral roll on the ground.
Inward Front
/in-werd frunt/
A front flip executed towards a vertical surface from a step on that vertical surface.
Inward Side
/IN-werd side/
A flip performed from a step on a vertical surface with a sideflip rotating toward the surface, and landing back on the floor where you came from.
Inward side
/IN-werd side/
a flip performed from a step on a vertical surface with a sideflip rotating toward the wall.
a flip starting front forward with a diving half twist to a back flip. Kind of like a front half twist, but completing the entire twist in the air before flipping.
Jovy Full
/joe-vee full/
A full performed next to a wall where you twist outward from the wall and after 270 degrees (3/4) of the twist, you use your hands on the wall to finish the flip. This movement was popularized by an athlete known as Jovy. I don't know who Jovy is. If you do, send us an email or Insta DM. This is sometimes called a "wall touch full"
Jovy Twist
/joe-vee twist/
A b-twist performed next to a wall where during the twist, the athlete's hands are used on the wall, kind of like a wall a-twist gumbi. This was popularized by an athlete known as Jovy. I don't know who Jovy is. If you do, send us an email or Insta DM.
KG (Kong Gainer)
/kong GAY-nur/
A backward flip (gainer) done immediately after vaulting over an obstacle using the Kong vault technique.
KG (Kong gainer)
/kong GAY-nur/
a backward flip (gainer) done immediately after vaulting over an obstacle using the Kong vault technique.
Kick the Moon
/kik the moon/
A tricking movement performed from a swing take off (like a cork) performing about a 90 degree twist, then exiting with a hook kick. This flip can be thought of as swinging into an aerial, as your feet should stay seperated throughout the movement.
/kip up/
A movement from martial arts where you start on your back and use a full body motion to launch you to your feet.
Lache Front
/lah-shay frunt/
A front flip executed from a front swing release
/lah-SHAY side/
A swinging forward release from a bar with an outward rotating sideflip before landing.
/lah-SHAY side/
a swinging forward release from a bar with an outward rotating sideflip before landing
Late 9
/layt nyn/
A term referring to adding an extra 90 degrees to a twist, landing on the inside leg along with a round kick
Flipping position where you keep your body elongated. Full body, one big pencil shape. Also refers to a black flip in a fully extended position.
Ledge Roll
/lej rol/
A sideways roll performed on the edge of a block. This isn't like your typical roll as typically the athlete uses their hands on the ledge below to guide their roll, and there is no real tuck motion involved in this roll.
Ledge Walkover
/lej walk-oh-ver/
A walkover over an obstacle using your hips on the object. Its like you're doing a handstand up against an obstacle, but you let your legs fall over the object till you sit, and the rest of your body is pulled over the obstacle.
Low Palm
/lo pahm/
a palm flip off a wall, generally ribcage height or lower.
A movement flipping backward with one hand on the ground behind the athlete throughout the movement. Kind of like a back hand spring with one hand, but typically performed off axis.
Maccaco Full
/muh-kah-ko ful/
A flip entering with a macaco, and completing a full twist after your hand touches down, and before you land. Also known as a maccaco twist.
Maccaco Twist
/muh-kah-ko twist/
A flip entering with a macaco, and completing a full twist after your hand touches down, and before you land. Also known as a maccaco full.
a high, extended position during a trick or flip, often involving significant height or aerial movement. It typically involves a powerful takeoff that allows the performer to achieve maximum elevation and a visually striking aerial pose.
Moon Kick
/moon kik/
A tricking movement performed from a swing take off (like a cork) performing about a 90 degree twist, then exiting with a hook kick. This flip can be thought of as swinging into an aerial, as your feet should stay seperated throughout the movement. This movement is also known as a "kick the moon" "boomerang kick" or sometimes "cheat gainer".
Muscle Up
/MUS-suhl up/
Like a pull up, but finishing above the bar in front support. A good alternative for a bar kip if you're struggling to learn the technique, and you're really strong.
Muscle up
/MUS-suhl up/
Like a pull up, but finishing above the bar in front support.
Palm Flip
/pahm flip/
A flip next to a vertical surface, where you push off that surface with your hands to push into a backflip
Palm Side
/pahm syd/
A side flip executed from a one handed push off a wall. The sideflip is executed flipping away from the wall.
Palm Spin
/pahm spin/
A movement where a person uses their hands to support themselves while spinning their body around a vertical surface, like a wall or rail.
Palm spin
/pahm spin/
a movement where a person uses their hands to support themselves while spinning their body around a vertical surface, like a wall or pole.
position where the body is bent at the hips with legs straight and together, creating a V-shape.
Pimp Flip
/pimp flip/
A backflip performed from a ledge where the athlete swings their body down below the edge to start the rotation while one hand holds them up until they tuck for the rotation.
Pole Slide
/pole slyd/
Sliding down a big pole. Typically tall light poles, and usually performed by jumping off a height to grabbing the pole to slow the momentum of the drop.
A take off where the athlete takes off both feet at the same time, pushing themselves off the ground with a firm jump with feet together.
This means quadruple. Usually meaning a quadruple flip or twist.
This means quintuple. Usually meaning a quintuple flip or twist.
a tricking move that is a variation of a Cork, involving a twisting gainer where the twist starts early and is continuous throughout the flip. The move is named after a character from the Mortal Kombat video game series, although the exact trick might vary by style.
A tricking movement taking off from cheat step, leaning back, and continuing a half twist of rotation and landing in a "complete" stance
a front flip with a 900 degree (2.5 full) twist.
a Capoeira movement where the performer uses both hands to flip backward while transitioning from a standing or inverted position. It's a fluid back-handspring-like motion.
Reverse Palm Spin
/ree-vers pahm spin/
A palm spin innitiated from a take off like a reverse vault. This means the athlete starts facing back towards their momentum with their hand closest to the obstacle on top, then bringing their other hand onto the obstacle further along in the rotation. The athlete takes off and lands on the same side of the obstacle.
Round Off
/rownd off/
A flip similar to a cartwheel, but both hands usually touch the ground at the same time, along with both feet landing at the same time to finish the movement. Round offs always start forward and land backward, unlike a cartwheel.
Rubber Band
/rub-er band/
Jumping backward, like a set for a backflip, to your back, and then "kipping" back to your feet. This is also referred to as a suicide kip.
a front flip with a 540 degree (1.5 full) twist.
Running Gainer
/run-ing gay-nur/
A gainer performed by running and swinging one leg in front into the backflip.
This acronym stands for Sport Parkour League. This could mean the organization, or the yearly competition. This organization is known for running what is widely known as the biggest competition in parkour, or "the parkour olymics".
A raiz variation where your front hand pushes off the ground before take off
Sailormoon Touchdown
/say-lor-moon tuch-down/
A raiz variation where your front hand pushes off the ground before take off, and your back hand lands on the ground before your feet. Like a sailormoon and a touch down raiz combined. Also goes by "scrubba"
A raiz variation where your front hand pushes off the ground before take off, and your back hand lands on the ground before your feet. Like a sailormoon and a touch down raiz combined.
Scrubba Dub Dub
/skrub-uh dub dub/
The combo with the greatest name possible
Short for "Shosei Step". Shosei is an athlete. The term "shosei" when used in conjunction with other terms refers to the motion popularized by Shosei Iwamoto that is finishing a run up, or more commonly a walk up, with a 180 turn step to the "complete" stance and taking off into a flip. For instance, a "shosei full" means the athlete took a 180 step into immediately taking off into a full.
Shosei Step
/sho-say step/
"Shosei step" when used in conjunction with other terms refers to the motion popularized by Shosei Iwamoto that is finishing a run up, or more commonly a walk up, with a 180 turn step to the "complete" stance and taking off into a flip. For instance, a "shosei full" means the athlete took a 180 step before immediately taking off into a full.
A tricking air motion where mid twist, the athlete kicks out their inside leg in a crescant kick motion then finishes the flip usually without completing the complete twist. This is typically done to preserve the air form all the way through to the landing of the flip.
Shuriken Cutter
/shoo-ree-ken kut-er/
A flip variation combining the shuriken technique with the cutter technique. This term when used alone refers to a cork shuriken cutter.
When used in conjunction with other terms, this is short for side flip.
Side Flip
/side flip/
A laterally rotating flip in the air.
Side Pre
/syd pree/
A sideflip to a precision landing...usually. Sometimes just used as a way to say a sideflip to a specific object.
Side Swipe
/side swyp/
This (primarily tricking) movement can be thought of in a few different contexts. Two are a "raiz swipe", or a leaned back 540 kick. Often is performed differently depending on how the athlete is thinking of it.
Side flip
/side flip/
a laterally rotating flip in the air.
This means single. Usually meaning a single flip or twist. Also U
Snatch Cannon
/snach kan-un/
Say cork-in instead. This term is outdated, both in that most newer athletes don't know it, and that it shouldn't be taught. It refers to a double flip starting with a cork, then exiting with a backflip. We ask you not to use this term because the term's original context is derrogatory towards women. Sexism is generally not accepted in the parkour community. We understand that this is typically said with no negative intentions, but regardless of intention, something are just best left in the past. If this is something that bothers you or you have gripes with our take on this, please reach out. We'd be happy to talk with you.
Star Kip
/star kip/
A tricking move starting on your feet, going onto your back and completing a twist (sometimes full 360, sometimes less), then landing back on your feet. In breakdancing, and sometimes in tricking, this is also known as a coin drop.
/soo-uh-sahyd kip/
Jumping backward, like a set for a backflip, to your back, and then "kipping" back to your feet. This is also referred to as a rubber band.
Swing Cast
/swing kast/
A backflip from a swing performed from a back swing release.
Swing Front
/swing frunt/
A front flip from swinging on a bar, where you release at the peak of a back swing.
a dynamic movement where the performer uses one leg to swing or "swipe" through the air while maintaining balance. It often involves a rotational or sweeping motion and is typically used in combination with other tricks to transition smoothly or add flair.
Short for touch down raiz, this movement is like a raiz, but you use your hand on the ground. This movement is typically used to generate momentum
Tak Full
/tak full/
A back flip with a full twist, taken off from the "tak" technique. This is a take off from another movement that landed in the "complete" stance, but then quickly switching feet before taking off, so the inside leg is in the air when taking off. You can think of this as a "pop" full, but last second switching to a "wrap" take off into the full.
An arabian, taken off from the "tak" technique. This is a take off from another movement taht landed in the "complete" stance, but then quickly switching feet before taking off, so the inside leg is in the air when taking off. You can think of this as a "pop" arabian, but last second switching to a "wrap take off into it.
Touch down raiz
/tuch down rays/
Like a raiz, but you use your hand on the ground. This movement is typically used to generate momentum
This means triple. Usually meaning a triple flip or twist.
Cannonball position. Like when you jump in the pool ya know? You curl up in a ball and grab your knees to keep tight.
a high-energy, explosive posture used in tricking that allows for rapid rotation or twisting during a jump or flip. It emphasizes speed and power, often resulting in quick, complex maneuvers that showcase agility and skill.
This acronym stands for The West Coast Parkour Championships.
Wall back hand spring
/wahl bak hand-spring/
A movement diving backward with a backward rotation to performing a kong motion to pull the feet to the floor. This is also referred to as a down monkey.
Wall cork
/wahl cork/
A wallflip with a full twist before landing. Sometimes this means specifically a wall flip with a twist specifically using your inside leg on the vertical surface.
Wall flair
/wahl flehr/
A flair on a wall. Legs swing up and above you while your chest leans back and your hands go behind you, pushing you off the wall
Wall flip
/wahl flip/
A back flip with a step off a wall
Wall full
/wahl ful/
A wallflip with a full twist before landing. Sometimes this means specifically a wall flip with a twist specifically using your outside leg on the vertical surface.
Wall spin
/wahl spin/
a flip performed on a vertical surface. A palm spin, but on a wall.
an acrobatic flip where a person jumps off one leg, performs a front flip while tucking one leg in, and lands on their feet. Put simply, a front flip from a split step.
an off axis movement, incorporated from skiing, that involves a body rotation with no chest rotation. It’s complicated.
Short for tunnel side, this is a sideflip traveling forward in relation to your chest.
tunnel flip
/tun-nel flip/
A sideflip traveling forward in relation to your chest.
This term when used in conjunction with other terms refers to a full twist added to the end of a flip. For instance, a cart twist is a cartwheel with a full twist after your hands leave the ground, but before your feet land.
A single flip finishing with a full twist in the opposed direction to a twist executed previously in the same flip.
A single flip finishing with a half twist in the opposed direction to a twist executed previously in the same flip.
"up" when said in conjunction with other terms means the movement being described starts with some level of extra twists before executing the rotation. For instance, a "side full up" is a sideflip with a full twist executed after take off, but before beginning the side rotation. Sometimes the term "vortex" or "screwdriver" is said instead of "up"
Like a maccaco, but performed directly backward (on axis). Can be thought of as a one handed back handspring.
Slang for a wall full, or your buddy's just slurring his words and meant to say wall full.
wall gumbi
/wall gum-bee/
A gumbi performed on a vertical surface. Like a raiz next to a wall, but you put your hands on the wall while you're in the air.
wall side
/wahl syd/
A sideflip executed from a step off a wall where the sideflip rotates away from the wall.
wall touch full
/wahl tuch ful/
A full performed next to a wall where you twist outward from the wall and after 270 degrees (3/4) of the twist, you use your hands on the wall to finish the flip. This movement was popularized by an athlete known as Jovy. I don't know who Jovy is. If you do, send us an email or Insta DM. This is sometimes called a "Jovy full"
Search full library by movement name.
Vault going over an obstacle, landing in a cat hang position on the other side.
Front Flip
/frunt flip/
An forward rotating flip in the air.
360 Backhandspring
/three-sixty bak HAND-spring/
A back hand spring with a full twist (360) in the air before touching hands down.
"tak" is a tricking term than when used in conjunction with other terms, means a take off for a flip initially landing in the "complete" stance, then quickly switching feet before take off. Kind of like landing for doing a "pop" take off, but last second switching to a "wrap" take off.
Jovy Twist
/joe-vee twist/
A b-twist performed next to a wall where during the twist, the athlete's hands are used on the wall, kind of like a wall a-twist gumbi. This was popularized by an athlete known as Jovy. I don't know who Jovy is. If you do, send us an email or Insta DM.
"Wuk puk"
/Wuhk Puhk/
This is slang for "WCPKC" Say WCPKC ten times allowed with a timer on, and you'll understand its creation.
Short for acrobatics, some athletes use this term in reference to flips and such. Generally means the same as freerunning or freestyle.
Means something was satisfying to accomplish usually. British slang?
Technically meaning someone who is knowledgeable of a skill or activity, this term has been used in the parkour community lightheartedly to refer to people who have never done parkour. At Hops, we discourage use of this word as it has implications of elitism, but what you say is up to you.
/N A P C/
This acronym stands for the North American Parkour Championship, now known as Sport Parkour League, or SPL.
/N B D/
This acronym stands for "Never been done". Usually used in reference to the first time something has been done at a popular spot, though sometimes is used in place of "worlds first".
/S P L/
This acronym stands for Sport Parkour League. This could mean the organization, or the yearly competition. This organization is known for running what is widely known as the biggest competition in parkour, or "the parkour olymics".
Means it looked like an athlete barely succeeded at something. "That pre was scuffed as hell".
Means either an obstacle seems unsafe or an athlete's technique or performance seems unsafe.
This is an invitation to play Smash Bros. ...clean thoughts here. A lot of the parkour community plays Smash Bros.
A place you could go to train parkour.
Short for technique. Used in reference to any scenario where you're talking about a technique. Doesn't even have to be from parkour. Pretty sure this came from Smash Bros.
Means something is technical
/W C P K C/
This acronym stands for The West Coast Parkour Championships.